Thursday, October 31, 2019

Managerial Applications of Technology (Emerging IT Trends) 1 Assignment

Managerial Applications of Technology (Emerging IT Trends) 1 - Assignment Example This reduces an organization’s operation cost. In business, it is clear that when it comes to technology the entities that adopt a technology first are always the highest beneficiaries of the technology. This is because by the time the other organizations start adapting the new technology they would have already integrated the new technology into their system. By integrating a technology first a business organization, a business organization will be able to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. It is therefore advisable for a business organization to adopt new technologies as early as possible (Alam, 2014). However, this should come after serious considerations and research on whether the technology in question will be of any benefit to the business organization. The risk involved in early adaptation is that it is always a big gamble with no assurance of the effectiveness of the technology. The other consideration regarding emerging trends in information technology is that a business organization might decide to prototype a technology before actually adopting it. This will enable them to know if the technology will actually be viable for the organization (Brunetti, 2014). However, the negative thing about prototyping is that it can sometimes be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Apperendi V. New Jersey Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Apperendi V. New Jersey - Assignment Example fore in this case was whether the Due Process Clause as contained in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S Constitution that requires that a factual determination to increase a prison term by more that between ten to twenty years be determined by a jury after a proof of beyond reasonable doubt. This case was important to the criminal justice system is that it found it unconstitutional for a legislature to purport to remove from the jury the assessment of the facts which makes an increase in the range of penalties to which a criminal defendant is liable for. It should therefore be clear that the facts have been established by a proof beyond reasonable doubt. The Supreme Court affirmed the rights of an accused to liberty and the following of the due process of law, which guarantees a public and speedy trial, carried out by an impartial jury as well as the application of the standard of proof of beyond reasonable doubt in criminal cases in order to limit error. However, in a dissenting opinion, the honorable judges found that the courts by deciding so had limited the power of the legislatures to define criminal offences and the punishment for them (Reuters, 56). As a prosecutor, my role would be to ensure that criminal cases are proved beyond reasonable doubt, as it is the prosecution that subjects the defendant to the possibility of losing liberty on conviction, which would certainly stigmatize him in the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: An Overview

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: An Overview Substructures are anything constructed below DPC or ground floor level for example foundations or cellar floors on social housing or even tunnels for commercial use. Substructure legislations include the town and country planning legislation, Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 and COSHH. The Town and Country Planning legislation means that the towns and developments will be planned appropriately and safely bearing in mind fellow housing owners that may be affected by any developments. Planning is necessary to ensure that the buildings and the environment is safe, secure and happy amongst the public. Local authorities are responsible through their planning committees to decide whether a new building or an alteration to an existing building is needed and suitable. Planning permission is not always required, for example internal alterations or work which does not change the appearance of the outside of a property does not require planning permission. Extending or altering the shape of a building, planning permission will be required and if failed to apply for or have a planning application you may risk having the building demolished by the council or planning committee. Some developments even make sure that other property owners are happy by keeping fencing a certain he ight and shape for them not to contact planning permission. Some old fashioned houses may also be affected by this legislation as you may not be legally allowed to put a new, modern, contemporary house in an old, vintage village or near any other old existing houses as it does not fit in or the neighbours may have objected. This legislation applies before construction as you have to apply for planning permission before a building is built to see whether it fits in, it is safe and suitable for the location and the public however during construction it also applies as housing developers apply for planning permission on site for temporary roads or compounds to help planning committees keep the existing properties safe and happy too. The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 means that you should promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of health and safety in places of work. It protects employees and the public from work activities that may cause danger to them in that very moment or in the future. Everyone must abide by the act or you may be prosecuted for not doing so if someone has an injury because of you. The act means that the employers have a duty of ensuring that there employees are safe and secure within the work place. Depending on the type of work place you must wear protection, for instance if the job is construction related the employer must provide you with PPE like a hard hat, steel toe cap boots and a hi-vis. They must also ensure that all your equipment and materials are safe, handled well and have had recent services and lastly they must provide you with training, supervision or simply a site induction which includes details of your job, the health and safety on site and the site rules. Site managers or your employer must provide a written safety policy or risk assessment and depending on your age a young persons risk assessment. Employees objectives are to take care of their own health and safety, and that of others, cooperate with their employer and not to interfere with anything provided in the interest of health and safety. A HSE is a health and safety executive, this person observes and monitors the site under strict instructions and guidelines under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. If the HSE are unhappy they are allowed to shut the site down completely. They have the right to have entry, close the site, see documents and take copies, size substances and ask questions. They even produce an improvement or prohibition notice. Both employers and employees may face prosecution if the site is unfit by the HSE. This act applies before construction as the employer has to provide everyone with PPE, inspect the site to see if it is safe before construction star ts and set up risk assessments and first aid boxes however during construction this applies as the employer doesnt want any accidents or illnesses on site, they would like the PPE to protect their workers, the equipment to be safe, serviced and used well, the fences to protect the public and the vehicles have reversing sirens to protect everyone. COSHH stands for the control of substances hazardous to health. COSHH covers any chemicals used on site for instance adhesive glues or paint thinners. Every chemical that is used on site must have a risk assessed by the site manager on behalf of the COSHH act. The regulations recommend that you do a risk assessment, decide what precautions are needed for example PPE, prevent or control exposure for example dust masks or gloves, ensure that control measures are maintained and used, monitor exposure through measurements, carry out regular health tests for example blood tests, prepare plans and procedures if an accident was to occur and ensure the employees are properly informed and trained usually by the HSE. A prime example of a hazardous substance is asbestos which is now banned due to the harm it does to your body when inhaled. The fibres within the material are the parts of the asbestos that are dangerous. Some products require careful control like the extraction of asbestos like s ome foam product instillations. This act applies before construction as the site manager needs to know if there is any products already on the site that may need to be removed or a risk assessment done for them however during construction it still applies as the chemicals and materials brought on site during the build may be hazardous too and may need to be risk assessed. Superstructures are all the elements visible above the substructure level for example a multi storey building, a social house or even a sky scraper. Superstructure legislations include Building regulations, RIDOR and Construction design management regulations 2008. Building regulations apply in England and wales and these promote standards for most aspects of a buildings construction process, energy efficiency in buildings, the needs of all people even including the disabled. The regulations apply to most new buildings, and many alterations of existing buildings, whether domestic, commercial or industrial. The types of work that do need to comply with the building regulations is the erection or extension of a building, the installation or extension of a service or fitting which is controlled under the regulations, an alteration involving work which will temporarily or permanently affect the on-going compliance of the building, service or fitting with the requirements relating to structure, fire, or access to and use of buildings, the insertion of insulation into a cavity wall and the underpinning of the foundations of a building. All buildings within this list must meet the requirements as they are for danger purposes for example a fire escape and air supplies for the combustion for some appliances. The main requirements come in 14 parts: Part A Structure Part B Fire safety Part C Site preparation and resistance to moisture Part D Toxic substances Part E Resistance to the passage of sound Part F Ventilation Part G Hygiene Part H Drainage and waste disposal Part J Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems Part K Protection from falling, collision and impact Part L Conservation of fuel and power Part M Access to and use of buildings Part N Glazing safety in relation to impact, opening and cleaning Part P Electrical safety This regulation applies before construction as the planning department need to put in the fire escapes e.t.c.. however during construction it still applies as the building regs managers or the HSE may test the products to see if they meet the standards. RIDDOR stands for reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations. RIDDOR covers deaths, major injuries; accidents resulting in an over-three-day injury, diseases, dangerous occurrences and gas accidents. If an accident did happen an accident investigation must be done as it is a legal requirement under the RIDDOR regulations. If a member of public is hurt or killed the HSE must be informed. Over three days injuries must be reported to the HSE too. When you report the injuries under RIDDOR you must issue the date and time, a brief description of what happened, put the name and address of the person injured and the date and method of reporting. The injuries listed as RIDDOR are fractures other than fingers, thumbs or toes, amputation, dislocation of shoulder, hip, knee or spine, loss or sight temporarily or permanently and chemical or hot metal burns to the eye that is penetrating. This regulation applies before construction as the site manger may need to write o ut methods of what to do in the event of certain injuries however during construction this will carry on as the site manager may need to write a report after an injury or inform the HSE. Construction design and management regulations 2008 aim to reduce the large numbers of serious, fatal accidents and cases of ill health which occur in construction. CDM places responsibilities on key members such as the design and management teams to keep the projects running safely and smoothly. CDM duties are to select and appoint a planning supervisor and principal contractor that will both allocate adequate resources for health and safety, be satisfied that the designers and contractors arrange for work to be done smoothly and safely, provide the planning supervisor with information on health and safety and ensure the health and safety files are up to date and construction starts and ends well. This regulation applies before construction as the planning, contractors and site managers need to organise whos doing what and when however during they must all make sure it is running as they planned without any health and safety risks.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free College Essays - The Sun Motif in The Stranger by Albert Camus :: The Stranger The Outsider

The Sun Motif in The Stranger Many artists, authors, and composers have put the beauty and warmth of the sun in their work. The Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh created landscapes that expressed his joy with bright sunshine. The American poet Emily Dickinson wrote a poem called "The Sun," in which she described the rising and setting of the sun. The Russian composer Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov included a beautiful song, "Hymn to the Sun," in his opera The Golden Cockerel. Uniquely, Camus' usage of the sun opposes its warmth and beauty in The Stranger. The sun is a symbol for feelings and emotions, which Monsieur Meursault cannot deal with. There is a sun motif present throughout the novel, which perniciously characterizes the usual fondness towards the sun. The sun is a distraction from Meursault's everyday life and he cannot handle it. The sun first presents a problem to Meursault at his mother's funeral procession. Even before the procession embarks, Meursault remarks of the sun, calling it "inhuman and oppressive." Meursault has shown no emotion towards his mother's death and he directs his bottled-up anxiety at the sun. To Meursault, the sun is an influence on all his senses, as he cannot hear what someone else says to him. He pours with sweat, symbolizing the flow of emotions. Meursault constantly thinks about the sun when one would expect him to be mourning his dead mother. He says, "I could feel the blood pounding in my temples," which is strong imagery. At the beach with Raymond, the sun provokes Meursault to commit a crime. He says, "(the sun) shattered into little pieces on the sand and water." While going to get a drink of water, the foreign Arab uses a knife to shine the sunlight in Meursault's face. Meursault knew that all he had to do was turn around and walk away. His emotions (again not shown externally and reserved) took over. Camus states, "All I could feel were the cymbals of sunlight crashing on my forehead and, instinctively, the dazzling spear flying up from the knife in front of me. The scorching blade slashed at my eyelashes and stabbed at my stinging eyes." This strong imagery forces Meursault to fire and kill the Arab with a revolver. What makes it worse, he fires four more times to make sure the sun is dissipated for good. In prison, Meursault changes his views on both the sun, and on his view of life, which are similar.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Understand Procedures For Res

Also it would put my colleagues at risk of becoming ill so more staff would be off work and they in turn would be taking the illness back to their homes thereby spreading the bug even further. So by making sure hands are thoroughly washed after aiding each service user, wearing the appropriate aprons gloves mask etc I can help prevent spreading any by germs and bugs and by keeping good hygiene I will help keep myself healthy and if I was to become ill to make sure I did not go back to work until I was given the all clear by doing this I will help to keep the service users, work colleagues family and friends from catching any germs. . 3 Explain the most thorough method for hand washing. . Wet hands with hot water. . Apply enough soap and handsaws to cover all hands surfaces.. Rub hands palm alma. . Right palm or the other hand with interlaced fingers and vicar versa.. Palm to palm interlaced. . Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked.. Rotational rubbing of left th umb clasped in right palm and vice versa.. Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa.. Rinse hands with warm water. . Dry thoroughly with towel. Duration of procedure at least 15 seconds. 4. Describe when to use different types of personal protective equipment. . Gloves= when aiding each service user to help prevent the spread of any germs.. Asks= To cover mouth and nose when dealing with the service user who may be ill or have a contagious bug, So I will not catch or help spread the bug.. Goggles= A shield against body fluids, blood, faces, urine. This helps to stop these fluids from getting injured or contaminated.. Aprons= When aiding a service user with washing or personal care, I will keep my clothes clean and I can dispose of apron afterwards so will stop any spread of infection..Shoe covers= If a service user has a contagious so my shoes will not spread any germs through the home. Outcome 5 know how to move and h andle equipment and other objects safely. . 1 Identify legislation that relates to moving and handling. Manual handling operations regulations (MOOR) 1992 amended 1998 Provision and use of work equipment regulations 1992 (POWER) Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations 1998 (LOWER) 5. 2 List principles for safe moving and handling 1. Plan the move and prepare the environment. 2. Starting position. 3. Lifting effort. 4. Completing the move. Ensure that the object is light enough to lift, is stable and unlikely to shift or move.. Heavy or awkward loads should be moved using a handling aid.. Make sure the route s clear of obstructions. . Stand as close to the load as possible, and spread your feet to shoulder width.. Bend your knees and try and keep the backs natural upright posture.. Grasp the load firmly as close to the body as you can. . Use the legs to lift the load in a smooth motion as this offers more leverage reducing the strain on your back.. Carry the load close t o the body with elbows tucked into the body..Avoid twisting the body as much as possible by turning your feet to position yourself with the load. 5. 3 Explain why it is important for moving and handling tasks to be carried out allowing specialist training. By having the correct training I can lift safely and know how to use the correct equipment for the Job intended and know how and when to use it. By also attending the courses and training my employers are meeting the health and safety regulations to make myself and other staff safe and also the service user is safe during the transfer.If I had not been trained correctly and got injured through lack of training they could be accountable , also they would be putting the service user at risk if I did not know how to assist them correctly. So by having the erect training every body is safe and also we are meeting the policy and procedures of the home. Outcome 6 Understand the principles of assisting and moving an individual. 6. 1 Expl ain why it is important to have specialist training before assisting and moving individual. By having specialist training I can move or assist the service user safely.Also by having the correct training I can use the correct equipment safely needed to assist myself and the service user to be able to move, If I did not have specialist training I could not assist the service user safely and I would not know how o use the equipment correctly or safely. As I will be trained how to fit the equipment trained so I will know how to lift correctly so I will not injure myself, and I will not put the service user at risk. 6. 2 Explain the importance of following an individuals care plan and fully engaging with them when assisting and moving.By reading an individual ‘s care plan I will know the mobility and capabilities of the service user, also what equipment is needed to assist the service user. When I need to assist the service user by talking to the service user and engaging them in t he whole process hey will feel confident about the procedure and in control as the service user will be able to tell me if they are comfortable, and if they are ready to start the movement process, thereby the service user will stay calm and relaxed and in control making the whole process calm and easy for all involved. Outcome 7 know how to handle hazardous substances. . 1 Identify hazardous substances that may be found in the social care settings. 1 Urine 2 Blood 3 Vomit 4 faces 5 cleaning chemicals bleach, sprays, carpet cleaning chemicals. 6 medications 7. 2 Describe safe practices for: Storing hazardous substances= Cleaning chemicals are to be kept in a locked cupboard. Medication can be harmful so these are kept in a medicine cabinet with only authorized personal to have the keys, other medication that needs to be refrigerated will also only be accessed by relevant personnel. Make sure no chemicals are left out unattended if in use.Using hazardous substances= When using hazard ous substances like cleaning fluids, wear the appropriate equipment ‘e: gloves, masks, goggles,and aprons, this will help from getting splash back and stop chemicals getting clothes, skin or in the eyes, this will also apply when aiding a arrive user with their personal care so the career will not get contaminated by urine, vomit, faces, they will keep clean when aiding the service user in washing, dressing, or personal care, the career can on finishing take off the gloves and apron etc and dispose of them safely and therefore prevent any cross contamination or spreading of germs whilst keeping themselves clean. Disposing of hazardous substances; .Sharps- When using a needle make sure you have a sharps box so the needle can be disposed of safely and the nurse/career does not risk the chance of scratching or rocking themselves by carrying the needle around trying to find a sharps box. Make sure it is kept closed when not in use, also to make sure it is not over filled, and when it reaches the full limit that it is taken away and disposed of correctly.. Clinical waste- Pads or soiled clothes or soiled bed linen need to be disposed of safely to prevent cross contamination. Pads need to go into a yellow bag and disposed off in the clinical waste bin this is collected by a company that deals with clinical waste. Load or faces this can be put into a washing machine on a high temperature and after the wash the bag is disposed off safely thereby the soiled linen does not have to be touched by staff or contaminate the other laundry. .Medication- Medication that has been refused or no longer needed must be documented and disposed of in the correct manner ‘e: deposited in a container and sent back to the pharmacy to dispose of correctly. Outcome 8 know environmental safety procedures in the social care setting 8. 1 Outline procedures to be followed in the social care setting to prevent; . Fire= You can prevent fire by first identifying hazards and who could b e at risk. Evaluate them ND take action to reduce them. Record findings and actions and develop a plan.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patrick Suskind- Perfume Essay

Reflective Statement: Perfume Perfume by Patrick Sà ¼skind, exposed me to a series of literary texts, themes and ideas. It also opened me to a variety of cultural developments that happened throughout the book.  Through the interactive oral I gained a better understanding of the historical context and Parisian lifestyle. When reading I had superficial knowledge and I never really analyzed the periodical moment that the book was set in. The presentation helped me broaden my understanding of the French lifestyle by explaining the streets of Paris and the lack of sanitation. I now understand the importance of where Grenouille was born and the significance it holds; but then I also found myself astonished of the extreme conditions humans could endure and call everyday life. The fact that the author chose to set the book in that time period, where Paris was at its filthiest, and decided that the main character shall be born with the gift of scent. This fact gave me an interpretation of the author’s choice in location. It was also through this interactive oral that I got a stronger grasp of the connections between Grenouille and the other gifted abominables that were mentioned in the beginning of the novel. When initially reading the book, I lost the real connections of the characters. It was through the interactive  oral that I made the vital connections between Grenouille and Marquis de Sade and the others that were mention as well. These historical figures were also known for their terrible acts against humanity. As the group described each of them, I was thoroughly interested because I was surprised by some of the horrific things some of them had done. I was most engrossed by the Marquis de Sade; he’s personality and lifestyle as repulsive as it was, interested me a lot and I realized I got the same reaction from him, as I did from Grenouille. I became aware of Sà ¼skind’s directive with such connections. It further strengthens my opinion on how Sà ¼skind antagonized Grenouille from the beginning; because of the comparisons to the horrific figures from history. This interactive oral gave me a simple but direct understanding of the cultural context, by explaining 18th century Paris. I appreciate Sà ¼skind choice of location and including those historical figures, as foreshadowing. Overall I reached an improved understanding of Perfume. [Word Count: 400] Stolen Innocence: The Exploration of the elements of innocence from the fallen victims of Grenouille as he begins and ends his quest for the ultimate scent in Perfume: The story of a murder The roles of minor characters are gravely important to the development of a story. Their character, their actions and what they symbolize lead the protagonist to different points of the beginning or to the conclusion of their journeys. This is clearly shown in Perfume by Patrick Sà ¼skind, as the protagonist Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is led on killing spree in search for a certain element for his ultimate scent; the minor characters aid him as the catalyst and conclusion of his quest. The plum girl of the dark Parisian streets unknowingly awakened Grenouille’s desire for what he perceived to be the ultimate scent. Her role as a minor character was to be the catalyst of Grenouille’s journey, her scent captured him and led him to the discovery that a scent like that was conceivable. She was a fleeting character, barely in the book but her presence and representation brought on the whole premise to Grenouille’s voyage. Sà ¼skind never gives the reader a direct characterization of the plum girl but it is  through her scent that he creates a personality that the reader is supposed to unravel; when he describes her scent we get an indirect form of characterization of her character â€Å"Her sweat smelled as fresh as the sea breeze, the tallow of her hair as sweet as nut oil, her genitals were as fragrant as the bouquet of water lilies, her skin as apricot blossoms†¦ and the harmony of all these components yielded a perfume so rich, so balan ced, so magical†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 41). Linking her scent to her personality we are obliged to believe she was a girl of adoration, because of the description of her scent. The comparisons of her fragrance are all things that one would find beautiful. â€Å"†¦ the scent was not much stronger. It was only purer, and in its augmented purity, it took on an even greater power of attraction. Grenouille walked with no will of his own.† (pg. 40). Everybody admires beauty and it’s through this that Sà ¼skind admits that even Grenouille is unable to resist beauty; fore this beauty was in the scent. Sà ¼skind’s diction further allows the reader to entwine the beauty and associate the plum girl with innocence; despite the little context the readers are given. â€Å"†¦ like a piece of thin, shimmering silk†¦ and yet again not like silk, but like pastry soaked in honey-sweet milk- and try as he would he couldn’t fit those two together: milk and silk!† (pg. 40). The comparison of her scent with milk brings back Jeanne Bussie’s thoughts of the smells of a baby, the link between their milky scent and their innocence. The author’s choice to link the plum girl with those simple forms of innocence shows how she is one of the representations of purity. The plum girl was the catalyst to Grenouille’s quest as it was through her that he gained the incentive to further his knowledge and vision to capture scent. During this time, the enlightenment was at its stronghold, as new scientific experiments took place, and as it took on the form of individuality; where man was fighting for their rights. The people of the enlightenment began to drift apart from the social norms of that time and began to associate themselves as their own being. This was something Grenouille soon realized he lacked as he came to terms that he had no essence to call his own. The thing that in his perspective made everyone who they were, was what was absent from him. As Grenouille is led on his journey to capture his intrinsic scent, as he embarks on his killing spree; Sà ¼skind leads the  reader to believe that Grenouille is seeking a certain element for his perfume. After his first kill every girl that followed next was in one way or another, a form of innocence. From the girl of the rose fields who was â€Å"young, so very young†, to the young Italian girls of the migrants, the Sardinian washer-woman, and th e carpenter’s daughter; they all shared something apart from their youth. â€Å"†¦the college of medicine examine the bodies of the shorn beauties to determine the state of their virginity. It was found that they had all remained untouched† (pg.197). All the girls were virgins. Virgins are a universal symbol for purity and innocence, the point that Grenouille was attracted to their scents further incites the feeling that he in fact was trying to extract what they had and that was their sense of purity. It strongly suggests that Grenouille was seeking the element of innocence for his perfume. Sà ¼skind shows the reader that Grenouille has an exact plan and process; ones that correspond to the enlightenment. As he journeys we discover different aspects to Grenouille’s nature that resemble aspects of the enlightenment. We see this through his methods and his overall perspective throughout the novel; as the enlightenment was entirely about experimentation, the individual rights of man and finding oneself. Sà ¼skind perhaps proposes that through the quest as he seeks the ingredients for his ultimate perfume Grenouille is also creating a recipe for himself. Grenouille’s whole being responds to the views of the enlightenment as he is searches for self-awareness through science and experimentation. Where the plum girl represents the beginning of his quest, it is only through Laure that he concludes the journey. Her role as a minor character was to be a physical representation of Grenouille’s end goal, to conclude his quest. She was the depiction of the ultimate innocence and it was shown all about her, through her appearance, her age and her scent; â€Å"She barely had the rudimentary start of breasts†¦ In a word: the girl was still a child† (pg. 170-171). Sà ¼skind clearly illustrates that Laure was a girl of admiration and beauty; this allows us to make the connections of Grenouille’s craving with one associated with himself. Grenouille’s goal was to be someone that overwhelmed people, someone who could bewitch people; just like he predicted Laure would. She too like the other girls had something that Grenouille wanted, that element of innocence he required for his perfume. As she was the end goal, the others girls were different components to his depiction of  innocence, and Laure was the absolute scent. She was his epiphany, and she completed his composition. â€Å"In a year or two this scent will be ripened and take on a gravity that no one, man or woman, will be able to escape. People will be overwhelmed, disarmed, helpless before the magic of this girl†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 171). Only through Laure would he be able to achieve what she could achieve by just being, and only through her and collecting her scent did Grenouille finally come to self-realization, it’s only after he had completed his quest did he come to gather the â€Å"worthlessness† to this earth. He had completed what he wanted and only then did he come to terms that there was nothing else in this world that he would want. He had overwhelmed people, disarmed them, and bewitched them. It simply was not enough. Her character was the physical embodiment for his masterpiece that he would call his scent. The minor characters are the basis structures that aid the main character in any journey he or she sets of to accomplish; they symbolize different aspects of the theme that the book tries to convey. All the girls were symbols of innocence in one form or another, different ingredients for the ultimate scent. The roles of these girls were to create the hunt for Grenouille, as the plum girl began his quest and Laure brought it to an end. It was only through the quest and these minor characters did he create his recipe for himself and came to self-realization. It was through the quest that Sà ¼skind allows the reader to believe that Grenouille was the epic depiction of the enlightenment as a whole. [Word Count: 1316] Work Cited Sà ¼skind, Patrick. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. Trans. John E. Woods. New York: Vintage, 1986. Print. ere different components to his depiction of innocence and the end goal, the others were merely components to the overall

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Your Complete Guide to Seasonal Jobs and the Holiday Season at Work

Your Complete Guide to Seasonal Jobs and the Holiday Season at Work As the calendar ticks down, it can be tempting to lean into the party season, and get sucked into a cycle of relaxing, celebrating, and otherwise winding down along with the waning minutes of the year. But really, this season is one that you can use to your advantage, whether it’s making extra money as a seasonal worker, bulking up your job search readiness for the new year, or stepping up your game at work while everyone else is knocking off early for egg nog happy hours. Comprehensive Guide to Seasonal Jobs  Surviving the Holiday Season  How to Maximize Your Holiday Break  Don’t Forget to Keep Up Your Job Search Momentum  Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Early  Let’s look at some of the careers)Surviving the Holiday Season at WorkIf you’re more interested in getting through the next month or two at the job you already have, we’ve got you covered there, too. It can be a tough time of year, with everyone trying to wrap things up to get out the door for the holidays, or even just finding motivation to get through your to-do list while more tempting options beckon. We’ve got your survival guide to getting through the holiday season at work:3 Tips for Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays7 Ways to Close Out the Year with a BangAnd don’t forget that festive minefield, the company holiday party. If you want to keep your work rep intact, here’s what not to do:Don’t Be These 5 People at Your Office Holiday PartyOr you can opt out altogether, and skip the chaos in favor of your own private celebration (whatever that may be). We’ve got your excuses ready to go:5 Festive Ways to Avoid the Office Holiday PartyThere are many, many temptations floating around this time of year, and if you’re not careful, they can trick you into making poor decisions, or just plain ignoring your professional obligations or development. You don’t have to become the office Scrooge, but a little extra care and attention to your work right now can go a long way.How to Maximize Your Holiday BreakHow many times can one person watch It’s a Wonderful Life, anyway? You’ll likely have down time at some point during this holiday season, and while you can still make room for the fun or family-related things you want to do, you can also take some of that time to work on your career momentum.For example, reflecting on the year that just passed is a great time to reflect on what you want to do next. New career path? New job? Want to go for that promotion? While things are a bit slow at work, this is your chance to start formulating your battle plan for the new year. You don’t have to make any definitive decisions, but we’ve got you covered as you start to think about what New Year You will be doing to achieve your goals.What You Absolutely Need to Know About Changing Careers4 Ways You Can Use Your Holiday Break to Gear Up for the New Year10 Steps on How to Get Your Finances in OrderYou can also use your break to devote some time and energy to a side hustle or a business idea, if you’re not quite ready to make a career or job jump in the new year. If you have a side hustle in mind, great! You have some time to work on developing it. If you’re not sure yet what you can or want to do, then you have time to figure that out too while you’re tuning out Uncle Phil’s latest fishing story.The Side Hustle: How to Make Money on the Side7 Strategies for Your Side HustleDowntime doesn’t have to be lazy time- think of the break as an opportunity to devote mental space to things that might usually get crowded out by everyday work and routines.Don’t Forget to Keep Up Your Job Search MomentumIf you’re looking for a new job, you might think that there’s not much point to keeping it up over the holidays, when people are less likely to be hiring/in the office/etc. Not true! Even if HR departm ents are slowing down for the year end, or you’re not seeing as many openings, there are still plenty of things you can do to make sure your hunt doesn’t go colder than Minnesota in December.How to Handle Your Job Search Over the HolidaysEven if you do put our active job search on hold over the holidays, you can put in a little prep and thinking to get yourself ready to hit the ground running come January 1.5 Killer Job Search Tips for the New YearTop 7 Trends That Will Help You Find a Job Next YearAnd if nothing else, you can always work on your resume!Top 6 Resume Template ResourcesResume Format Guide: What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2017Top Resume Trends for 2017This is a great time of year to hunker down and perfect your application package for the new year. You can get your resume in tip-top shape, start thinking about those personal and professional anecdotes for interviews, and maybe even find some good holiday sales on a new interview outfit. You donâ€⠄¢t have to put your professional development on pause just because everyone else is starting to check out for the year.Start Your New Year’s Resolutions EarlyWhile many of us wait until the calendar has safely flipped over to the new year, there’s no reason you can’t start thinking about how you’ll ease back into the usual grind (or an improved one).5 Ways to Get Back on Track After the Holidays5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Career in the New Year5 Ways to Be Happier at Work in the New Year6 New Year’s Resolutions for the Lazy Professional7 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Health Resolutions5 New Year’s Resolutions Mark Zuckerberg Made That Can Inspire YouThe more thought and energy you put into your new year now, the more likely you are to stick to your new and improved self after the holidays are but a distant memory.The holiday season isn’t usually thought of as a hotbed of career activity, but you have tons of ways to make the seaso n work for you and your productivity. After all, year-end fun and celebration are important, but soon enough we’ll all be facing the cold glare of January. And when that comes, you can feel like you’ve set yourself up nicely for the coming year.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Bhagavad Gita The Role of Religion in Relation to the Hindu Culture

The Bhagavad Gita The Role of Religion in Relation to the Hindu Culture The Bhagavad Gita is the most influential and discussed religious text related to the Hindu culture and religion. The Bhagavad Gita is the part of the most important religious epic text Mahabharata which is traditionally followed by the representatives of the Hindu culture.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Bhagavad Gita: The Role of Religion in Relation to the Hindu Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this point, it is important to focus on the Bhagavad Gita and its role for the Hindu culture in the context of the role of religion in the Hindu society because the scripture contains the most important religious concepts and ethical principles which should be followed in the Hindu tradition. Different religious concepts and ethical issues are discussed in the scripture depending on conversations between the prince Arjuna who avoids violence and killing as the methods of impact and Krishna as God w ho provides wisdom and necessary guidance for the Hindu people. In spite of the fact that the Bhagavad Gita was written many centuries ago, its role for the Hindu religion and its impact on the accentuation of the role of religion in the society and Hindu culture are significant because the scripture provides the main religious principles which became the fundamentals of the people’s everyday life and actions. The epic situations and significant conversations between Arjuna and Krishna are discussed in the context of the battles for territories and struggles for the local superiority, but the main idea of the Bhagavad Gita is to represent the religious aspects important for the Hindu people as well as to discuss the controversial ethical and philosophical questions (â€Å"The Bhagavad Gita† 11-20). The representatives of the Hindu culture and religion can discuss the Bhagavad Gita as the main source of the ethical and religious norms and beliefs which should be followe d to achieve the religious enlightenment while becoming closer to God or even while making the union with the divine forces. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna states that a person can achieve the union with God and to avoid the karmic debt while completing the main ethical and religious principles which are the focus on self-renunciation, selfless action in relation to people and God, and meditation as the way to become closer to Krishna in order to learn the divine wisdom (â€Å"The Bhagavad Gita† 18-22).Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From this perspective, the role of religion and ethical principles are closely connected in the Bhagavad Gita, and this text becomes the source of the primary religious and ethical knowledge for the Hindu people. The discussion of the role of religion in the Hindu culture is observed while presenting Krishna’s ide as on the cycle of birth and death which a human should experience in order to receive the opportunity to avoid the karmic debt and to act according to the divine ideals. Thus, following the descriptions and discussions presented in the scripture, it is possible to state that the Bhagavad Gita is important for persons to win while making this or that moral choice. It is stated in the Bhagavad Gita that selfless actions can lead persons to the enlightenment that is why this scripture is important for the Hindu religion and culture regarding the focus on the selfless devotion to moral ideals and to God (Minor 344). In this case, the text is helpful for many people in their searches of the truth in relation to the religion and ethics during the centuries. That is why, it is important to refer to the dual role of the Bhagavad Gita for the Hindu religion and the role of religion in relation to the Hindu culture from the perspective of the scripture’s role for developing the human ethics. Thus, it is possible to discuss the religious ideals of selfless actions and devotion to divine forces from the point of their ethical value regarding the concepts of virtue and duty. Gupta states that the Bhagavad Gita â€Å"instructs an individual person to do his duty as a social being, and to do so by cultivating certain excellences so that his duties become part of his nature, an expression of his abiding character† (Gupta 395). As a result, the scripture provides a range of instructions and directions for people to act religiously and morally. It is emphasized in the scripture that a person can rely on God’s love while preventing the expression of anger, ignorance, and ego instead of demonstrating selfless behaviours (Timpe 349). Thus, the role of the Bhagavad Gita in relation to the Hindu religion and culture should be emphasized with references to the text as the religious guide.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Bha gavad Gita: The Role of Religion in Relation to the Hindu Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To discuss the role of religion in the Hindu culture, it is important to pay attention to the fact that all the aspects of the persons’ life are regulated according to the definite religious principles and associated ethical norms. That is why, the Bhagavad Gita should be analyzed as the source of the most stable visions and ideas which are followed by the Hindu people during many centuries. The Bhagavad Gita is one of the first texts in which the importance of religion is discussed with references to the people’s everyday life, thus, the role of religion and faith is accentuated with the help of demonstrating the connection with the real-life situations and possible moral choices. Krishna helps Arjuna to act morally while describing the basic religious principles valued according to the Hindu tradition. Krishna focuses on the imp ortance of improving the person’s karma with the help of selfless actions and meditation (â€Å"The Bhagavad Gita† 15-20). These religious rituals are actively practiced by the representatives of the Hindu culture and tradition because they are the part of their everyday life and vision of the person’s progress. From this point, the religious fundamentals described in the Bhagavad Gita are extremely important for the Hindu people, and this fact emphasizes the role of religion within the Hindu society. Thus, the Bhagavad Gita is one of the main sources of the religious and ethical knowledge in the Hindu culture that is why this scripture is often discussed by researchers in the context of the text’s role for stating the principles of the Hindu religion and the main ethical norms and ideals connected with the religious visions and in the context of the role of religion in the society because the representatives of the Hindu culture regulate their everyday l ife with references to the religious norms. As a result, the ideas of the selfless action, devotion to the divine forces, meditation, virtuous actions to avoid the karmic debt, and importance of duties are not only described and explained in the Bhagavad Gita along with a lot of other religious issues but also followed in the Hindu culture during many centuries. Gupta, Bina. â€Å"Bhagavad Gita† as Duty and Virtue Ethics†. Journal of Religious Ethics 34.3 (2006): 373-395. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Minor, Robert. â€Å"The â€Å"GÄ «tÄ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s† Way as the Only Way†. Philosophy East and West 30.3 (1980): 339-354. Print. The Bhagavad Gita. USA: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print. Timpe, Eugene. â€Å"Hesses Siddhartha and the Bhagavad Gita†. Comparative Literature 22.4 (1970): 346-357. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Procatalepsis in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Procatalepsis in Rhetoric Procatalepsis is a  rhetorical strategy by which a speaker or writer anticipates and responds to an opponents objections. Also spelled prokatalepsis. Adjective: Procataleptic The  figure of speech and  argumentative strategy of procatalepsis is also known as  the  prebuttal, the figure of presupposal, anticipatio, and anticipated refutation. Nicholas Brownlees notes that procatalepsis is an effective rhetorical device in that while appearing  dialogic, in practice it allows the author to remain in complete control of the  discourse  (Gerrard Winstanley and Radical Political Discourse in Cromwellian England, 2006). Examples and Observations Listen, Liz, I know this is tough to hear, but- I know what youre going to say, she cut in, her voice quiet. I know what youre going to tell me to do. Accept it. Move on. Try to forget about what happened to him.He didnt respond. Shed second-guessed him.Right?Right.Well, its not so easy for me, she said. Im still here in London with all the memories, living next door to his empty house. I havent got myself a nice little holiday cottage in Devon to disappear to and forget about everything that happened.(Tim Weaver,  Never Coming Back. Viking, 2014) Frederick Douglass Use of  Procatalepsis I may be asked, why I am so anxious to bring this subject before the British public- why I do not confine my efforts to the United States? My answer is, first, that slavery is the common enemy of mankind, and all mankind should be made acquainted with its abominable character. My next answer is, that the slave is a man, and, as such, is entitled to your sympathy as a brother. All the feelings, all the susceptibilities, all the capacities, which you have, he has. He is a part of the human family. (Frederick Douglass, An Appeal to the British People. Reception speech at Finsbury Chapel, Moorfields, England, May 12, 1846) Platos Use of  Procatalepsis Someone will say: Yes, Socrates, but cannot you hold your tongue, and then you may go into a foreign city, and no one will interfere with you? Now I have great difficulty in making you understand my answer to this. For if I tell you that this would be a disobedience to a divine command, and therefore that I cannot hold my tongue, you will not believe that I am serious; and if I say again that the greatest good of man is daily to converse about virtue, and all that concerning which you hear me examining myself and others, and that the life which is unexamined is not worth living- that you are still less likely to believe. And yet what I say is true, although a thing of which it is hard for me to persuade you. (Plato, Apology, trans. by Benjamin Jowett) Uses of Procatalepsis Strategically, procatalepsis shows  your readers that you have anticipated their concerns, and have already thought them through. It is, therefore, especially effective in argumentative essays...Procatalepsis can even be used if you dont have a full answer to the objection. By being honest about the fact that there are problems with your argument, you show your audience that you are grounded in reality. You should never, however, bring up an objection to which you cannot respond. (Brendan McGuigan, Rhetorical Devices: A Handbook and Activities for Student Writers. Prestwick, 2007)Often, a writer will invent a possible objection or difficulty  in order to answer it in a way that strengthens the writers position. In the event such an objection should arise, the reader has an answer already laid out...An objection can occasionally be  turned into a further point of support for the writers argument. Conceding an objection and then turning it into a point in the writers favor can be a powerful tactic. (Robert A Harris,  Writing With Clarity and Style: A Guide to Rhetorical Devices for  Contemporary Writers, 2003. Rpt. Routledge, 2017) More Examples of Procatalepsis He knows every harbor, every cove and inlet throughout the chain; he has to.Those are fine credentials, Geoffrey, but hardly the sort- Please, interrupted Cooke. I havent finished. To anticipate your objection, hes a retired officer of US Naval Intelligence. Hes relatively young, early to mid-forties, Id say, and Ive no real knowledge of why he left the service, but I gather the circumstances werent very pleasant. Still, he could be an asset on this assignment. (Robert Ludlum, The Scorpio Illusion, 1993)No group in America has had as poor a start as the first Africans. Youll argue that other groups had to suffer indignities and even slavery, but I immediately remind you that they migrated (i.e. came by choice). Africans were wrenched (even if purchased) from their homeland, brutalized and forced to work for free. (Nashieqa Washington, Why Do Black People Love Fried Chicken? And Other Questions Youve Wondered But Didnt Dare Ask. Your Black Friend, 2006)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Equal Employment Oportunity Commission Research Paper

Equal Employment Oportunity Commission - Research Paper Example It also forbade employers from recruiting or relieving employees on the based on gender or ethnicity. While the issue of race has been the cornerstone for the Civil rights act, the inclusion of gender into this provision happened much later due to the efforts of Representative Howard Smith. While skeptics alleged that Smith has done so in order to weaken support for the bill, the latter argued that he had done so only to demonstrate his support for the National Women’s Party. The inclusion of gender gains significance especially in cases where it is a distinctive attribute necessary for the job. The title VII of the Civil Rights Act led to the creation of the ‘Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC)’, which is the focus of this research study. The primary purpose of the EEOC is to ensure that no employers can (Choate, 2009): "fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his comp ensation, terms, conditions or privileges or employment, because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." McDermott (2009) says that the role and significance of the EEOC has expanded over the years due to subsequent laws. Currently, the EEOC is tasked with eliminating discrimination in the hiring, firing and promotion of employees on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, age, ethnicity or physical disabilities. The EEOC also protects workers from discrimination in pay, training and the number of working hours. While the debate to assign protected-class status to each of these employee classes has been ongoing for several years, the role of affirmative action is also an important domain that influences the operation of the EEOC and is discussed in subsequent sections. About the Commission The EEOC was formed on 2nd July, 1965 out of six different statutes including the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the 1990 A mericans with Disabilities Act, the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 2008 ADA Amendments Act (Stallworth, 2008). Thus, the EEOC has been affected by several statues over the years (Doan, 2009). Each year, the commission handles thousands of complaints related to discrimination and harassment in the private sector, For instance, over 100,000 complaints were filed in 2009 alone. The number of complaints that were eventually filed as cases is historically low (only 300 cases filed in 2009), and are regarded as public records (Keppler, 2010). The cases handled by the EEOC receive widespread coverage in the media and are often discussed extensively in regional radio and television based on the state of origin of the involved parties. Cases that are deemed to have national ramifications are revealed by the press office of EEOC at its offices in Washington. The EEOC is headed by a number of commissioners and the general counsel who are appointed by the President of the United States. Such a ppointments must also be ratified by the Senate. The EECO operates through a central office that is assisted through a network of regional Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) offices. The latter process the information and complaints received as per the provisions of the various laws discussed in the preceding section. The regional EEOs

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management of Human Resources Individual work wk4 Assignment

Management of Human Resources Individual work wk4 - Assignment Example First is the economic globalization where there is increased global marketplace for products. Therefore, organizations should emphasize on innovating new products as well as employ people who are highly skilled and knowledgeable for most businesses are operating globally. Secondly, there is a shortage of skilled labor and talented employees worldwide therefore through information technology it is possible to employ a global workforce thus making it possible to operate globally therefore should be embraced. Thirdly, different countries have different cultures therefore for those firms that operate in more than one country, it is important to adapt the local cultures of each country. Lastly, the business strategies of an organization describe the ways these organizations plan to gain advantage and stay ahead of the competitors. Organizations should ensure that they produce goods of high quality, constantly innovating, providing the best services to customers and keeping costs low. Thes e changes will be incremental as the business world is developing very fast and organizations need to keep up with the speed to beat competition. The HR policies will be affected greatly by the changes. This is because of the fact that they will need to recruit new staff who are skilled as well as train those already in the business it will be costly but worthwhile. I addition, the performance of most organizations will also go up because organizations will be using up to date technology and skilled workers. The consequences include an expensive work force who will be asking for bigger pay for the services they offer as well as the business will grow due to the good performance of the skilled employees. Some of the advantages of using employee surveys to assess progress toward HR objectives include the ability to survey a large number of employees at the same time as well as getting honest and ample feedback. In addition,

Argument same sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument same sex marriage - Essay Example In this essay argument will be presented as to why same sex marriages should be allowed legally and socially. Religious arguments against Same Sex Marriages Religion is one of the first arguments of a person arguing against same sex marriages. Homosexuality is not sanctioned by religion simply because it is considered against God and nature. The way people define the term nature is the not correct. What is nature? Many years ago using medicines was considered unnatural. Tribes considered marriages outside the clan as unnatural. Surgeries were unnatural at first. Science was also termed as unnatural†¦ The point people miss here is the fact that any change is the society is not tolerated or accepted by its members. It is very difficult for the society to break away from the old practices. Basically as a whole we human beings want to preserve the status quo at all times. We cannot digest changes in the society very easily and this is why we are very quick to point anything ‘u nnatural’ simply because we think that it is not justified to break away from the social norms of the society. The issue here is that social norms are ever changing and they are evolving so how is it possible not to accept the change in these norms. Eventually all things we considered ‘unnatural’ like science, medicines, surgeries etc became a part of our life. So until this point we have established how society is quick to label things as unnatural simply because they are not in line with the social reality of the people. The idea that some things are ‘natural’ and others are ‘unnatural’ springs from our religious beliefs. Religion has a very influential role to play in our lives. Even if we are religious or not the effect of religion on our lives cannot be denied. The same religion feeds us with beliefs that some things are unnatural. Christianity for example considers homosexuality morally repulsive simply because it is against the wa y of the God. The church accepts that immoral acts can be committed in heterosexuality as well but at the same time dismisses homosexuality on religious grounds (Matthews, T. 1997). Any argument against homosexuality cannot be more superficial than this one. There are no rational justifications given against homosexuality but still people argue that it is immoral to be homosexuals on religious grounds. People may not believe in religion but still they forward religious argument because they have been made to think that change in the society which will result from same sex marriages would be disastrous. They are against same sex marriages for no rational reasons. They just have attitudes and beliefs for which they have no rational ground. We can easily reject this claim of the society that homosexuality and same sex marriages is unnatural and all arguments given on religious grounds can also be rejected because they hold no rational argument in it. Family System and Same Sex Marriage s Another argument against same sex marriages is that such practices will destroy the family system of the society. People argue that men and women are both important for the nourishment and upbringing of a child and absence of even one can destroy the life of a child. Especially two men are not considered good parents for their children (Gend, D. 2010). Because same sex partners cannot rear children in a good way same sex marriages should be banned according to these people. Here we can apply the utilitarian principle

Thursday, October 17, 2019

On the writers choose Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On the writers choose - Research Paper Example It would be important to consider some of the specific examples from the text as an illustration of the power of the media to shape public agenda and spread information that is essentially compromised and subject to the interests of some forces. In this novel, the tributes are brought in the media with the intention of creating some false kinds of impression regarding their lives and talents. The audience is treated to some superficial images and characters that have been blown out of normal proportion and beyond objective truth for achieving some patterns of thought from the audience. Katniss and Peeta are made to give some highlights about their unique abilities and shed light on certain issues that relate to their personal lives (Collins 21). In this manner, the media actively promotes the ideals of sensationalism and deliberate falsification of information for the sake of entertaining the audience. The unethical control and management of people’s minds is one of the strategies that the media uses to achieve its objectives. Rather than capturing the natural sequence of things, the media engages in calculated moves that are pointed towards a predetermined direction. In essence, it might be important to consider the fact that some of the issues that attend to the role of the media in controlling the society relate to its ability to privilege certain issues above others. The media sets the agenda for the society by assigning some issues a higher level of significance as compared to others. The author captures the media as particularly subjective. She also brings out the media as serving the interests of the powerful and dominant forces in the society. As such, the fate of Katniss and Peeta is reduced to the whims of the powerful individuals who seek to control the manner in which the two tributes will end up in the war. The

Human resourse management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resourse management - Essay Example Under theories such as Maslows hierarchy of needs, attempts to generate increased employee motivation to work toward accomplishment of organisational goals is the basis behind pay-for-performance schemes. An organisation sets the firms objectives and similar targets for expected performance levels by employees by appealing to a primary desire: Increased wages. It is a logical assessment to offer that that most of todays employees choose to work for a company in the primary pursuit of generating a quality income. Under Maslows theory, the security offered by increased job-related compensation is a primary element behind employee motivation. In essence, without granting the employee additional incentive pay, while appealing to their motivational needs, generating any measurable increases in performance toward business-related targets is quite difficult. For instance, a company cannot motivate an employee by utilising rigid and controlling management policies, such as management by threat, therefore companies must establish a system by which employees can work toward targets and guarantee a reward for meeting these expectations. This is a significant reason why companies continue to maintain pay-for-performance schemes, as there are very few methods to appeal to the employees personal desires. It is basically implied that many employees cannot be sufficiently motivated without the use of monetary incentives, therefore simply offering additional performance-related compensation gives the employee a strong motivational objective to meet the companys long-term strategic goals. Additionally, to appease the external shareholders, many organisations continue to use pay-for-performance schemes despite their ineffectiveness. Shareholders maintain a significant influence in todays businesses as they are highly invested in, therefore interested in, ensuring that a firm meets its organisational objectives for growth and profitability. Companies issue their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discuss, with relevant examples, the different levels of income and Essay

Discuss, with relevant examples, the different levels of income and expenditure that a typical UK individual is likely to ex - Essay Example Its quality of education is high and the literacy levels are among the highest in the world. Its learning institutions, especially the universities, rank highly in global ratings. The income levels in the United Kingdom are above the global average (Cordner, Das, and Cordner, 2010, p. 76). A typical UK citizen is thus destined to experience many levels of income and expenditures due to the nation’s diverse nature. Income The average household net-adjusted disposable income on the global scale is $22,387 per year. United Kingdom’s average citizen outdoes this and has an average annual income of $26,552. This is according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) survey carried out in 2010. The UK also has an average household wealth of $59,923 according to the OECD survey. This also is above the average household wealth of $36,238 for OECD members. The debt level though was $73,039 in 2010 according to a national financial education charity cal led Credit Action. This includes all debts mortgage and credit card debt. Also, the OECD estimates that the income for the top 20 per cent of earners is $55,138 per year. This greatly contrasts with the bottom 20 per percent of earners who earn $9,556 annually. The income bracket age with the highest earnings is from thirty five to forty nine years. The lowest earning age bracket is from fifteen to nineteen years (Clark, 2007, p. 88). The professional and managerial jobs earn the highest incomes. In contrast, elementary jobs earn the least incomes across the board. Of the total working population, 7 per cent have contracts lasting six months or less. 75 per cent of the men and 65 per cent of the women have jobs in this diverse economy. With more than 70 per cent of the working age bracket employed, this is a fairly good condition compared to other nations. It means that few people are below the poverty line and the living conditions are quite luxurious. Although there exists a big g ap between the high and low income earners, access to basic needs is almost assured for all levels of income. This has ensured a relatively stable economy. Expenditure Taxation Since all governments the world over depend on taxation in funding public projects to avail social amenities to their citizens, great interest is generated by this subject (Black, 2010, p. 89). The United Kingdom, being no exception, has an elaborate taxation scheme to see to the availability of public goods among them roads, hospitals and educational facilities. The typical UK citizen has a number of taxes they pay during their lifetime. A few of the taxes are personal taxes, business taxes and sales taxes. All these taxes serve the sole purpose of contributing to the national basket. Personal taxes, among them income tax, council and inheritance taxes, are directly levied to each citizen. Income taxes to a typical United Kingdom citizen include taxes levied on salaries, bonuses, commissions and overseas all owances. The basic income rate, covering incomes from 0.00 British pounds to 35,000 British pounds, charged 20 per cent income tax (Becker, 2009, p. 45). The next higher tax bracket, covering incomes from 35,001 British pounds to 150,000 British pound

Human resourse management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resourse management - Essay Example Under theories such as Maslows hierarchy of needs, attempts to generate increased employee motivation to work toward accomplishment of organisational goals is the basis behind pay-for-performance schemes. An organisation sets the firms objectives and similar targets for expected performance levels by employees by appealing to a primary desire: Increased wages. It is a logical assessment to offer that that most of todays employees choose to work for a company in the primary pursuit of generating a quality income. Under Maslows theory, the security offered by increased job-related compensation is a primary element behind employee motivation. In essence, without granting the employee additional incentive pay, while appealing to their motivational needs, generating any measurable increases in performance toward business-related targets is quite difficult. For instance, a company cannot motivate an employee by utilising rigid and controlling management policies, such as management by threat, therefore companies must establish a system by which employees can work toward targets and guarantee a reward for meeting these expectations. This is a significant reason why companies continue to maintain pay-for-performance schemes, as there are very few methods to appeal to the employees personal desires. It is basically implied that many employees cannot be sufficiently motivated without the use of monetary incentives, therefore simply offering additional performance-related compensation gives the employee a strong motivational objective to meet the companys long-term strategic goals. Additionally, to appease the external shareholders, many organisations continue to use pay-for-performance schemes despite their ineffectiveness. Shareholders maintain a significant influence in todays businesses as they are highly invested in, therefore interested in, ensuring that a firm meets its organisational objectives for growth and profitability. Companies issue their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Current Events in Business Research Essay Example for Free

Current Events in Business Research Essay I had a hard time trying to figure out a function that I do at work or one that I would I’d like to in the future so I picked from Chapter 3 of our reading, The â€Å"Bringing Research to Life† of the Business Research Methods section which illustrates a scenario. Myra Wines is a woman that was hired by the U.S. Army to investigate and research with her team whether or not the testing area where the army uses its munitions testing was a direct connection or cause to the civilian death rate increasing since the range opened. There are a few issues here that Myra and her team will need to research and investigate. There are local activists voicing their concern, calling to shut down the range due to being environmentally hazardous. Another issue was these â€Å"duds† or bombs that didn’t explode when it hit the ground going off randomly, as the Army believed that its dead shells would only explode if another bomb was dropped on it to cause it to ignite. According to the Army, civilian deaths could not be attributed to their munitions testing area due to their testing of dropping the â€Å"duds† to torching them to try and ignite them. Wines and team hypothesized that the dead shells could potentially explode and leave no trace of the event taking place. Wines and team, met with Army representatives to go over the reports regarding dead shells or â€Å"duds†. By reviewing these materials they would be able define the management question which in turn would help by coming to a conclusion for the research question. The research team had to look at all the personnel that came in contact of shells, results that the explosions were leaving, and the frequency of dead shells Army states one out of twenty) to be able to come up with better research questions. The team’s observation showed them that civilians were actually opening up the bombs to salvage anything that had value. Unfortunately the bombs exploded and â€Å"vaporizing† the scavengers. Wines’ research team reviewed the data they collected, concluding that the civilians were thrill seekers and the scavenging fit into their thrills. Wines and team discussed their  conclusions to the Army, in which the Army to develop and implement policies to lessen av oidable civilian deaths. The team’s conclusions after reviewing the data, determined that the Army’s best management decision was to set off every â€Å"dud† shell at the end of each testing day and put kerosene on them so bombers can see at night and drop bombs to destroy the â€Å"duds†. Because of Wines’ and the team’s research, the Army implemented new procedures and the civilian death rate dropped. Research is a very important aspect to any company that is seeking to gain success or get the up hand on competitors. Searching for methods that will add value to companies is also considered the business research process. When researching, one must consider what is in the best interest of the company, its employees, the sponsor, and the community. Business research is important when determining what types of services companies are considering and required to analyze business situations. It is important to research the full potential of the service and what will the company gain from it. Business research is used to perform analysis of the industry, its products and to identify customer groups. It also is an important tool for management to make better business decisions. If the risk is too high, and there is not much that progress that the company will gain from providing the services, then it might be best to hold off a while longer. One of the keys to research is to take surveys, talk to all parties involved, and provide reasons for and/or against the objective of the research before it can even be considered. At my employer, we do employee surveys once a year. This is a way for the company to do research on the employee’s likes, dislikes, and complaints. By doing surveys, companies can get employees to open up and get answers to critical questions confidentially. References Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business research methods (12th ed.). Boston, MA/USA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Forgotten War Of Korea History Essay

The Forgotten War Of Korea History Essay The Korean War was a conflict between the communist North Korea, and the democratic South Korea. The Korean War is often referred to as the Forgotten War because it is constantly overshadowed by World War II and Vietnam. It is also referred to was the 6-2-5 War, reflecting the date of the start of the war. In North Korea it is known as Fatherland Liberation War, and in the Peoples Republic of China it is known as the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. The fact that it is known as the Forgotten War, however does not mean it is any less important. While it is true that there was no real result to the end of the war territory wise, roughly 37,000 American soldiers paid the ultimate price for their country. This paper will briefly examine the general overtone of the Korean War and highlight the US military tactics and new technologies within the Korean War, with emphasis on one of the most important battles of the war, The Battle of Inchon. It will also briefly examine the hist ory leading up to the Korean War and recent events in North and South Korea (Korean War). Before the close of World War II, Korea was controlled by Japan, when Japan surrendered after the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Korea was physically divided at the 38th parallel. Soviet Union troops occupied the northern half and United States troops occupied the southern half. The Soviets had modeled the Korea government after their own, a communist government (Korean War). While the US led United Nations had modeled the South Korean government after that of the United States, a democratic government. Nobody knew it at the time, but the Korean war would be the largest armed conflict of the Cold War (Korean War). The Korean War began on June 25th, 1950 with the North invading the southern, Republic of Korea. The United Nations was quick to disapprove. Two days later, President Truman authorized a military intervention by the United States. He committed the land, sea and air forces within Korea. Soon after, General McArthur was placed in command of an additional 15 nations forces. Early in the war the Peoples Republic of Korea met with little resistance. This changed, however when the US mobilized. The entire war was essentially a give and take in territory, push forward then fall back, push forward again and retreat again. By the end of the war, the front lines were very close to the 38th parallel. Some would argue that the war was a pointless give and take but the servicemen who gave their lives would quickly disagree. The United Nations, which includes the United States, the United Kingdom and several other countries has a count of 778,053 men dead, injured, missing or captured. While the Soviet Union, China and North Korea lost around 1,545,822 men. The total amount of civilians lost is estimated at a staggering 2.5 million lives. The United Nations forces, including South Korea, at the beginning of the war was roughly 1,207,010 men. This may not be entirely accurate because at the time the paper strength of the troops did not match their actual numbers, which were a bit smaller. The Soviets, Chinese and North Koreans had an average total of 1,212,000 troops. Which gave them a huge advantage, but they were unprepared for some of the United States more interesting attack plans. The Battle of Inchon, also known as Operation Chromite took place on September 15th of 1950 and ended 4 days later, on the 19th. Over 75,000 troops and other support craft landed at Inchon and quickly overwhelmed the small defensive force that was present guarding the village. The landing at Inchon is still revered as the most genius amphibious landings in history. When General MacArthur realized that the US forces were in danger of being pushed out of Korea, he proposed a dangerous counter attack, far behind the enemy lines. After countless hours of deliberation and meetings, it was decided. The Battle of Inchon was a go. The battle was preceded by a secret infiltration of the village. The reconnaissance mission, codenamed Trudy Jackson was a CIA and military intelligence joint mission. The objective was to gather intelligence about the geography of the village and landing site, and the enemy fortifications. They had reported back that the North Koreans had artillery set up at Wolmi -do island. Lieutenant Commander Arlie G. Capps, a gunnery officer on Admiral Doyles staff described quite succinctly; We drew up a list of every natural and geographic handicap and Inchon had em all. (The Inchon Invasion). Five days before the actual landing, US planes flew over the island of Wolmi-do dropping over 90 canisters of napalm. This cleared the way for the impending US invasion. Before the landing, the US Naval forces around Inchon shelled the landing site and Wolmi-do island to destroy the fortified artillery positions. The actual landing was divided up into three sections. Known as Green Beach, Red Beach and Blue Beach (The Battle of Inchon). Green Beach is a 200 yard strip of land on the northwest side of Wolmi-Do island. The terrain was mostly large rocks with sand patches and a ridge (The Inchon Invasion). Operations started at 6:30 in the morning on September 15th. The X Corps, 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and a few M26 Pershing tank elements from the 1st Tank Battalion landed on the north side of Wolmi-do island. Armed with flamethrowers and bulldozer blades, the Pershing tanks were easily able to roll over the North Korean defenses. The small Green Beach force had to wait until 7:50pm for the tide to rise again. They fortified their position by shelling, bombing and placing anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines on the only bridge into the area. Once the tide was high enough, more Green Beach forces were able to land and help secure the foothold that they had gained (The Battle of Inchon). Red Beach was comprised of Regimental Combat Team 5 and the 3rd Battalion of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps. Commanded by Major General Raymond L. Murray, they scaled the steep sea walls with ladders. (The Inchon Invasion). Their objective was to secure a 3000 by 1000 yard block of land. Using LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) which are smaller ships that carry mass amounts of troops on the deck and tanks below the deck. They were able to secure Red Beach and complete their objective (The Battle of Inchon). Blue Beach was under the Command of Colonel Lewis B. Puller. The Blue Beach landing site was much farther south than Red and Green beaches, as a result of this, they were the last come ashore. When they finally arrived, they split into two main sections, Blue Beach One and Blue Beach Two. Blue Beach One landed to the left, and pushed further left and Blue Beach Two had landed to the right and continued to push to the right. Blue Beach had suffered minimal casualties and faced minimal opposition since the opposing North Korean forces had surrendered by the time they got to the mainland (The Battle of Inchon). As soon as the North Koreans had been eliminated at Inchon, the supplies and reinforcements flowed in. They cleared the floating debris out of the water, and built a floating pontoon dock to deploy the rest of the armor. On September 16th, the North Koreans had mounted a response to the Inchon landing. They had sent six columns of T-34 tanks, with no additional support. Fortunately, they were spotted by US forces, a detachment of bombers was sent out to deal with the oncoming army of tanks. The T-34 columns took heavy damage and had lost most of their ranks. The US mobilized the M26 Pershing tanks and destroyed the rest of the T-34s in one fell swoop (The Inchon Invasion). Overall, over 40,000 infantry troops participated in the initial Inchon Landing, and the resulting Battle of Inchon. Supporting them from the sea they had 4 naval cursers, 7 destroyers and a huge amount of air and artillery support. The North Koreans had a very small contingent of battle ready units. Only 6,500 troops, and a meager 19 planes. As a result, they were easily defeated (The Battle of Inchon). Although many had doubted is success, the Battle of Inchon turned out to be a resounding success. It is considered to be one of the most successful and daring military operations in recent years. Inchon had moved the front lines, and cut off the North Koreans supply lines. The US troops were able to flank the North Koreans from the rear to clear them out of South Korea. Had the battles outcome been different, the US may not have been as successful as they had been in the war. If the Inchon Landing never happened, the US forces would have been pushed out to sea. The Korean War also saw the introduction of new technologies and weaponry such as the helicopter, while technically it was developed during World War II, it was never used in any type of life fire combat situation. The US Army had realized that it needed to get Medevac to the injured troopers as soon as possible to minimize their losses. Bell Helicopter had designed the Bell UH-1 Iroquois, more commonly known as the Huey. Classified as a utility helicopter the Huey can transport up to 14 troops, 6 injured troops on gurneys or up to 3,000 pounds of cargo. Even though it is classified as a utility chopper, it is still armed to the teeth. She is packed with two 7.62-mm Machine guns and 16 70-mm Air-to-Surface rockets. With a top cursing speed of 115 mph, the Huey is definitely a war machine. The helicopter in service before the Huey was the Bell 47 OH-13 Sioux. Recognizable by its exposed wire tail boom, the Sioux cant hold a candle to the Huey. Due to the bubble canopy, there was only room for the pilot and co-pilot. The Sioux could not transport troops, save for two gurneys strapped to the bottom. The Sioux was considerably lighter, armament wise. Armed with only two 7.62-mm machine guns, the Sioux was primarily used for reconnaissance and emergency medevac. Another revolution in the art of hand held weapons powerful enough to take down enemy tanks, the M-20 Rocket Launcher, or Super Bazooka was a massive improvement over the earlier versions, such as the M9 Rocket Launcher. The M20 could penetrate up to 11 inches of solid armor, whereas the M9 could only chew through 5 inches. The M20 also extended the range of the Bazooka another 150 meters. It also had a larger warhead, measuring up to 3.5 inches, or 90mm. The M20 Super Bazooka revolutionized infantrys ability to take out enemy armor. Yet another innovation that was used mainly during the Korean War and onward, the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, or MASH unit saved countless lives on the front lines. They were a monumental success in the Korean War, if a seriously wounded soldier made it to a MASH unit he had a 97% chance of survival. Some MASH units were staffed with as many as 10 doctors and up to 20 nurses. The MASH units could be deployed close to the front lines so wounded infantry men could make it to the unit without losing too much blood, or allowing infection to set in. The last MASH unit was deactivated on October 16th, 2006. The end of the war was brought upon by a ceasefire signed on July 27, 1953. The armistice was signed by North Korea, China and the United Nations. Korea remains divided along the 38th parallel, where the war started. A DMZ, or demilitarized zone was set up along the 38th paralell. The Korean DMZ is to this day, one of the most well defended areas on the planet. Tensions have been rising and stability of the area has been threatened as North Korea develops its nuclear weapons.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Modern Art Essay -- Comparative, Mondrian, Pollock

Piet Mondrian and Jackson Pollock are both regarded as being major influences within the movement of modern art. During the peak of their careers their artwork took on very different styles. Mondrian was born in 1872, he was a Dutch artist, is famously known for his precise, systematic style of painting. He is renowned for the grid-based paintings that he produced in the early 1920’s during his time in Paris (wilder, 2007 p.318). Jackson Pollocks work was erratic and spontaneous, this is particularly noticeable in the late 1940’s when he produced an array of works using a drip painting technique (ref). Despite the works of Mondrian and Pollock being at opposite ends of the scale when it came to style and imagery, is it possible their influences and views were in fact quite similar? Along with their style of painting, the personalities of the two men were to match. Piet Mondrian enjoyed a modest lifestyle and didn’t experience a huge amount of fame until the late 1950’s after his death, and his work was mainly supported by the occasional magazine article and art exhibition (Blotcamp, 2001 p.9). In comparison Pollock was considered the James Dean of the artistic world, he was notorious for having a wild, rebellious nature, often drinking to suppress his emotions or insecurities (Landau, 2005 p.18). Unlike Mondrian he attracted a lot of attention within his lifetime, and enjoyed the fame and appreciation his work was bringing. His partner Lee Krasner, Whom he married in 1946, was a determined, levelheaded young artist, and was believed to be a strong influence towards the recognition of his work (Karmel and Varnedoe, 1999 p.25). It could be perhaps said have the support of a strong woman is incredibly influential to an artist, espec... ...(ref), trainers and cars to name a few. Like wise Pollock’s work has been used in the design of fashion, and many people have attempted to recreate his work, because the style of it was so unusual, Pollock was aware the technique of dripping paint wasn’t a completely new idea (ref) but he was the person who made it commercially famous within the and art world, hence his fame and notoriety. Despite their mistakes and fails they strived to express themselves. Pollock openly said he doesn’t make accidents, he denies the accident, and Mondrian felt his failures were valuable to his success, he never made mistakes; everything was a contribution to his work (Riley, 1997 P.9). Despite their ups and downs the two iconic pieces created by Mondrian and Pollock, Composition in red black and blue and number 8 represents the style they are renowned for and their personalities. Modern Art Essay -- Comparative, Mondrian, Pollock Piet Mondrian and Jackson Pollock are both regarded as being major influences within the movement of modern art. During the peak of their careers their artwork took on very different styles. Mondrian was born in 1872, he was a Dutch artist, is famously known for his precise, systematic style of painting. He is renowned for the grid-based paintings that he produced in the early 1920’s during his time in Paris (wilder, 2007 p.318). Jackson Pollocks work was erratic and spontaneous, this is particularly noticeable in the late 1940’s when he produced an array of works using a drip painting technique (ref). Despite the works of Mondrian and Pollock being at opposite ends of the scale when it came to style and imagery, is it possible their influences and views were in fact quite similar? Along with their style of painting, the personalities of the two men were to match. Piet Mondrian enjoyed a modest lifestyle and didn’t experience a huge amount of fame until the late 1950’s after his death, and his work was mainly supported by the occasional magazine article and art exhibition (Blotcamp, 2001 p.9). In comparison Pollock was considered the James Dean of the artistic world, he was notorious for having a wild, rebellious nature, often drinking to suppress his emotions or insecurities (Landau, 2005 p.18). Unlike Mondrian he attracted a lot of attention within his lifetime, and enjoyed the fame and appreciation his work was bringing. His partner Lee Krasner, Whom he married in 1946, was a determined, levelheaded young artist, and was believed to be a strong influence towards the recognition of his work (Karmel and Varnedoe, 1999 p.25). It could be perhaps said have the support of a strong woman is incredibly influential to an artist, espec... ...(ref), trainers and cars to name a few. Like wise Pollock’s work has been used in the design of fashion, and many people have attempted to recreate his work, because the style of it was so unusual, Pollock was aware the technique of dripping paint wasn’t a completely new idea (ref) but he was the person who made it commercially famous within the and art world, hence his fame and notoriety. Despite their mistakes and fails they strived to express themselves. Pollock openly said he doesn’t make accidents, he denies the accident, and Mondrian felt his failures were valuable to his success, he never made mistakes; everything was a contribution to his work (Riley, 1997 P.9). Despite their ups and downs the two iconic pieces created by Mondrian and Pollock, Composition in red black and blue and number 8 represents the style they are renowned for and their personalities.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Christianity and Evangelism in Jane Eyre Essay -- Religion Religious B

Christianity and Evangelism in Jane Eyre There were great changes in the religious arena during the time of Victorian England. John Wesley had his warm heart experience, India had been opened to missionizing, and a Utilitarian and Evangelical shift had occurred. Charlotte Brontà « would have felt the effects of these things, being a daughter of the clergy, and by simply being a daughter of the Victorian era. Her novel, Jane Eyre, serves as a reaction to Utilitarianism, and the protagonist Jane emerges as an Evangelical figure. By using this novel as a tool for Evangelism itself, Brontà « has a platform to fulfill moral obligations, and to have a discourse with the socially held views of her time. Beyond this, it also addresses the intrinsic struggle between Paganism and Christianity. The original position of the East India Company and the English Parliament was, the resistance against allowing missionary work in India, and that the clergy would be commissioned to serve only the European population there. They took this stance, because they felt the inhabitants would feel threatened and cause problems for those who had financial interests in the area. In 1813, with the passing of a new Charter Act, India was opened to missionary activity, and many jumped at the opportunity to sacrifice all for the sake of â€Å"heathen† souls. (Viswanathan 36) The very personification of this ideal comes in the form of Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s character, St. John Rivers, Jane Eyre’s cousin and almost fiancà ©. He expounds on this when he explains: After a season of darkness and struggling, light broke and relief fell; my cramped existence all at once spread out to a plain without bounds-my powers heard a call from heaven to rise, g... ... the great religious impact it is meant to have. Christ, should and will, win out in the end – as the last line of the novel says, â€Å"Amen; even so come, Lord Jesus!† Works Cited â€Å"Brigit.† Encarta Encyclopedia Online. 2004. Brontà «, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Ed. Richard J. Dunn. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2001. â€Å"Evangelism.† Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online. 2004. Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995. Viswanathan, Gauri. â€Å"The Beginnings of English Literary Study.† Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India. New York: Columbia University Press, 1989. Weber, Max. â€Å"Luther’s Conception of the Calling.† The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Trans. Talcott Parsons. New York, Dover Publications Inc.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Web application and a Web server

1. Why is it critical to perform a penetration test on a Web application and a Web server prior to production implementation? Although many organizations have reduce significant number of design and coding defects through software development lifecycle; there still remains security holes that arise when an application is deployed and interacts with other processes and different operating systems (Cobb, 2014). Another reason that penetration test is critical is many Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandate internal and external penetration test (Cobb,2014).2. What is a cross-site scripting attack? Explain in your own words. Cross-site scripting is when an attacker exploits the controls of a trusted website and injects malicious code with the intent of spreading it to other end users. For example, an attacker injects a browser script on a website, so that other users will click on it and compromise sensitive information.3. What is a reflective cross-site scripting attack?A reflective cross-site scripting attack is when the injected script is reflected off the web server, much like an error message or search results. This type of attack is mostly carried out by e-mail messages in which the user is tricked by clicking on a malicious link and then the injected code travels to the vulnerable website and reflects the attack back to the user’s browser (OWASP, 2013).4. What common method of obfuscation is used in most real-world SQL attacks? These methods include character scrambling, repeating character masking, numeric variance, nulling, artificial data generation, truncating, encoding, and aggregating. These methods rely on an array of built in SQL server system functions that are used for string manipulation (Magnabosco, 2009).5. Which Web application attack is more prone to extracting privacy data elements out of a database? SQL injections can be used to enter the database with administrator rights in which are also the best way to avoi d using Java on the website (OWASP, 2013).6. If you can monitor when SQL injections are performed on an SQL database,  what would you recommend as a security countermeasure to monitor your production SQL databases? I would recommend coordinated and regular security audits to prevent any back lash of SQL injections.7. Given that Apache and Internet Information Services (IIS) are the two most popular Web application servers for Linux and Microsoft ® Windows platforms, what would you do to identify known software vulnerabilities and exploits? I would explore the large number of binary planting vulnerabilities known as â€Å"dll spoofing† and â€Å"dll preloading† in which have been identified in third party applications running on a windows platform.8. What can you do to ensure that your organization incorporates penetration testing and Web application testing as part of its implementation procedures? My approach to this matter would be to focus on the benefits of pen etration testing and web application testing. I would explain to my company how the testing would identify holes and vulnerabilities in the current web applications. I would also make the point that by incorporating this testing would make the organization more marketable to partner companies and future clients.9. What other security countermeasures do you recommend for websites and Web application deployment to ensure the CIA of the Web application? I would identify all the key pieces to my Web Server and address each accordingly. The key pieces would include Patches and Updates, IISLockdown, Services, Protocols, Accounts, Files and Directions, Shares, Ports, Registry, Auditing and Logging, Sites and Virtural Directories, Script Mappings, ISAPI Filters, ISS Metabase, Server Certificates, Machine.config, and Code Access Security (Microsoft Corporation, 2014).10. Who is responsible and accountable for the CIA of production Web applications and Web servers? Any trained certified infor mation security professional that is assigned or assumes such responsibility.